lego ad

Project Description

I selected Brick Fair from a lineup of exhibitions and took on ​the task of revitalizing its identity.

This involved redesigning the logo, a guidebook with details ​about the Brick Fair Exhibition and showcasing an array of ​captivating Lego creations. In addition to these efforts, I ​conceptualized and produced giveaway items, including a ​LEGO keychain box, an ID badge, and even a custom face

mask with its own packaging.

Design Goals

The goal for the Brick Fair Lego Exhibition was to maintain ​the authentic spirit of Lego throughout the entire endeavor. ​This required adhering to the Lego color palette and ​capturing the distinctive personality and style that defines ​Lego. Typography emerged as a fundamental element in the ​design approach, with "Brick Fair" adopting a block-type font, ​mirroring the iconic appearance of Lego building blocks.

Year of Completion

Spring 2021





